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Streetscapes is a portfolio of photographs by Kuldeep Awasthi, a Kanpur-based photographer.
The images are presented in three distinct genres: Street, Landscapes & Nature, and Travel.

Kuldeep's work is inspired by the daily life of the people he encounters in his travels. His photography captures the essence of the cityscape through its inhabitants, their interactions with their surroundings, and the presence of humanity within nature.

The street genre presents a series of photographs taken on busy streets in major cities across India. Kuldeep strives to capture the moment when strangers meet each other and share a brief exchange before moving on.
Some of the shots taken by him from an elevated position alongside bodies of water like rivers or lakes.

This approach allows for an intimate look at nature's beauty without having to deal with crowds or distraction from buildings or other structures in proximity (which may blur out some details).

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